Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

****REMINDER - There is no school tomorrow for Kindergarten students. Conferences start tomorrow and continue on Thursday. I am looking forward to seeing you during your scheduled conference time.****

We went to art. We got to paint a picture. (TP)

We used a number line during math. We talked about before, after, more than, less than, and between using different numbers on the number line. (OH)

We painted the seasons of the apple tree. (PH)

We read some books. Tumblebooks is a great website for me to watch them on the computer (http://www.tumblebooks.com/). (AJ)

We had recess. It was very cold. Please remember we have a 50 degree at school. Please send warm coats for our morning recess. (RC)

We sang our animated alphabet songs. We are going learn Edgar Elf and Ellie Elephant on Monday. (LO)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday, October 17th, 2011

Today, we wrote the word "lamb" during animated alphabet. (AC)

During our assembly, Mr. Nadler talked to us about the cities in Vietnam. (GJ)

We worked on listening and being quiet during our carpet time. We earned marbles for doing an awesome job. (DD)

We are started to learn about comparing numbers. We tried to guess Mrs. Hazen's secret number. (OH & JP)

We had music and P.E. (JO)

During Harcourt, we read the story Warthogs in the Kitchen. This story is make-believe. (GR)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Parent Teacher Conferences

Just a reminder. Conferences are just around the corner. If you have not returned your appointment slip, please do so as soon as possible. If you have any questions regarding the time slot you have been assigned, feel free to e-mail me or contact me at the school! Looking forward to meeting each of you at conferences.

Mrs. Hazen

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Welcome To Our Class Blog

I am very excited to have this blog up and running. This is going to be a great place for students to write about activities we are doing in the classroom. Parents will also be able to get friendly reminders about upcoming events.

I hope you enjoy reading about the things that are happening in our classroom!

Mrs. Hazen